Sunday, 5 May 2013

This is a better layout :-)

Another photo of part of our family from Stuart's 50th in Adelaide.
All of those in the picture (except, of course, Stuart) travelled from interstate for the party including our first great grandchild, the gorgeous Krystal-Lee.

Our site at Wentworth NSW on the banks of the Darling

There's a  story associated with the picture at right.
I wanted to get a picture of our van in its site on the banks of the iconic Darling River so I drove out of town across the river and along a track that follows the river on the other side. I still had a distance to walk through the bush to be in the right spot. The area is quite dry with quite a lot of fallen timber around the river red gums and fairly thick scrub.

While wending my way through the fallen timber I just caught a movement off to my left and saw a king brown snake in its S shaped position ready to strike and then it did strike. Fortunately I jumped back and to the side in time to avoid being bitten but it did give me a surprise. I was very lucky, particularly so because I was wearing shorts !! I kept going and took the picture carrying a large stick and making lots of noise.For the uninitiated, the king brown is one of our most poisonous snakes and very agressive.  

The trip north from Port Augusta was, as expected, hot and dry. first overnight stop was at Glendambo, just a truckstop with generator power available but no water. We are used to carrying sufficient drinking water within one of our two on board tanks - it's no good filling both tanks extra water equals weight and weight equals more fuel equals more $s. Additionally we  carry a 10 litre cardboard cask of drinking water just in case.

We know from previous experience that the bore water generally available for showering is extremely hard and doesn't lather all that well. A friend mentioned that special soap is available for use with bore water but I haven't organised that yet.

The caravan area at Glendambo Roadhouse - functional but sparse!

That's all for this post, more later


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